Bandages and Plaster of Paris bandages

Bandages and Plaster of Paris bandages

Application of the products in this group covers wide range – from bandaging, therapeutic treatment, protection and rehabilitation of injuries, compressive and after trauma treatment, to immobilization. Natural and artificial materials are used in manufacturing process which includes weaving, knitting, refinement and impregnation. Products are produced as the bandaging tapes of various widths and lengths. Depending on the way of bandage application and its usage, products can be prepared with the clips for end fixing, absorption pads, fixing ties and others. According to the specific customer's requests, these products can be made in different forms and adapted for various usages, also sterilized if necessary.

All products are being tested to fulfil and meet quality control standards as well as standards of EUR. Ph., national and internal standards. Expiry date of these products is 5 (five) years from date of production.